Ashok leyland

Brief Description of the Project

Ashok Leyland is having 7 manufacturing units in India. We are from Hosur plant - II, Tamil Nadu producing very wide range of products. Our unit is the only plant amongst Ashok Leyland and competitors producing vehicles of all segments including Light, Medium & Heavy commercial vehicles.

Paint shop is a common facility to produce Cabins for LCV, M&HCV & Specialty vehicles, whereas other shops like Weld, Trim & Chassis are having multi lines to meet the production demand.

Installing a new Paint shop requires huge Capex and also operational expenses will become double. Due to cyclicity of Automobile it is advisable to have single Paint shop with improved productivity & capacity.

With this project, team has increased the cabin paint capacity from 125K/annum to 199K/annum through by Process Innovation and developing new Paint and chemical along with material supplier to fulfil the requirement.

The uniqueness & complexity of the project was that it needed to be completed in same building without stopping regular production.

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