Hero-MotoCorp – Auto Sector
Brief Description of the Project
From Hero-MotoCorp Haridwar plant, HUNK160 R model is exported to 4 Continents and 17 countries based on the requirement and facilities equipped at dealer’s end in the form of CBU (Complete build Unit), CKD (Complete Knock-down) & SKD (Semi Knock Down). Out of 17 countries, in 11 countries SKD packaging is used as per facilities equipped at dealer’s end. As contribution of SKD was around 65%, so we analyzed detailed costs involved in SKD and found that the logistics costs were contributing to 76% of total export costs. After finalizing the project from the above trigger points, we listed down the below parameters that are to be fulfilled by this project. To reduce the cost, we needed to improve our productivity by increasing no. of vehicle per container.